You have the license to choose how you interact with said players. You will meet other players on your journeys through the massive Open world. The gist of the game is forming friendships and working together to survive. You are a wanderer searching for a place to call home in a world where all things are temporary.

Game and want to purchase it, you can support the developers by doing so here.Ashen is a an action– role-playing-game published by Annapurna Interactive and developed by A44 for PC. This download is completely free and won't cost you a penny. Then, launch the game through the desktop shortcut.

Wait 5 seconds and click on the blue ‘download now’ button.Click the Download button below and you will be redirected to UploadHaven.It’s a brutal open world you’re just living in it. Whether you’re exploring bogs, investigating a fjord or pillaging an old palace, where you are at any given moment will dramatically alter the course of your adventure.

But here’s the twist – no two gameplay experiences are alike. It’s up to you to decide how to deal with them – fight together against evil, invite them into your party or simply ignore them.Souls with a TwistAshen is faithful to the “souls” genre of stamina-based combat, introducing players to a punishing yet satisfyingly vast world. Ashen is an open world co-op action RPG about a wanderer in search of a place to call home.Passive Co-Op MultiplayerAs you adventure through Ashen, you’ll occasionally encounter other players in a massive open world, akin to the passive multiplayer of Journey.